

A transformer may bee defined as a static electric device that transfers electrical energy from one circuit to another circuit at the same f...


27 March 2020


Search PSpice Design Manager in Windows Start Menu. 

Following windows will appear :-

Create new Schematic file named Circuit_1.sch 

 Double-click on Circuit_1.sch file then following window appears in the screen :-

After that click on Analysis on the task bar. After that click on Setup option. Then a window will pop-up.

Then you will see various option appear in pop-up window. The most important option in  the analysis setup is AC Sweep and DC Sweep, which is described below :-

AC Sweep :- AC Sweep is a frequency response analysis. PSpice 
Click on the AC sweep then following window will pop-up.

DC Sweep :- 
Click on the DC sweep then following window will pop-up.

Here you have to type the name of the element you want to analyze, for example for voltage source "V", for current source"I" and so on.
You have add Start Value, End Value & Increment. After that you are ready to analyze the element within that range with the Increment you want.


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